Duplicate Email Remover 3.2.1

Released on August 28, 2017

Duplicate Email Remover is powerful and flexible tool intended for the search and processing of duplicated mail messages in Microsoft Outlook folders. DER processes both email messages and posts in mail-type Microsoft Outlook folders. You can use Duplicate Email Remover to find mail message copies both in one folder and in different folders. The found duplicate message found can be: marked with a flag, deleted, copied or moved to any folder you choose. So, you can easily test the add-in and preview the messages to delete. A priority system in the add-in is used when you search for duplicates across several folders. Duplicate Email Remover is fully compatible with Microsoft Exchange Server and can be used to process public folders on a server. Also, if you have permission to connect to mailboxes of other users, you can process them as well as your own mailbox.

Release Notes

About This Document

Product Requirements

Product Usage


Support Information

Copyright © 2003-2017 MAPILab Ltd. All rights reserved.

About This Document

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The Release Notes lists important information you should know prior to deploying and using the product.

For detailed documentation on Duplicate Email Remover, see the product built-in help and product home-page.

Product Requirements

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In order to function properly the product requires the following:

  • Administrator privileges for the installation.
  • Product Usage

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    This section explains the product usage basics.


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    You can always uninstall Duplicate Email Remover using Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.

    Support Information

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    Our technical support service is always glad to help you and to answer your questions. Please, keep to the following rules when contacting the technical support service:

    If your query is related to erratic software operation, please provide the following information:

    Do not forget to provide the product registration number: this will allow faster processing of your request.

    You can contact our technical support online at www.mapilab.com/support/.

    We do our best to reply to user queries the same day we receive them; anyway, you will get the answer no later than in two business days.

    Also feel free to suggest new features regarding our products and web-site at www.mapilab.com/suggestion/.


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    Copyright © 2003-2017 MAPILab Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Microsoft, Outlook, Windows, Excel, PowerPoint, Windows Internet Explorer are Microsoft Corporation Trademarks in the United States and/or other countries.